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Airfish Circus started life in 2017 as a rag tag bunch of Cornish based circus professionals and semi-pro's, that would occasionally create the odd performance piece, along with some of our students, and touring company passing through the county.
For the last 5 years we have enjoyed a successful residency as the 'in-house circus', at the 'Circus Works Devoran', curated by 'Cirque Du Ciel' (CdC), Cornwall's longest standing Circus Charity of 22 years this year!
Now we have a new home thanks again to CdC, newly named 'Cirk Hes', Cornish for 'Shoal Circus', to synch up with the creation of their new space in Helston, and our new residency, and mutually supportive relationship with them there.
Even more fabulous is that our new residency will allow us to perform, as well as create new works, both in intimate real time setting, and via livestream to viewers in the comfort of their own home. Exciting!
Use the booking buttons to connect with us for a selection of acts, shows and infrastructure we can offer you, or to view the range of options for classes and upcoming productions, available at Cirk Hes.