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Well what a Summer! Last weekend saw us complete our Summer festival date listings, in style, with a double booking.
We always have a fabulous time at 'Love Summer', Plymouth's best kept secret, and this year was no exception. (Particularly spying 'My Bad Sister' in the audience!) Very much looking forward to bringing very much more to LS 2018.
The cherry on the cake though, undoubtedly, getting the opportunity to work alongside, and get to know the Bearded Kitten crew, at Boardmasters 2017.. When they asked us to come on board to help them carry their hilarious, daytime, audience participation antics of huge ridiculousness, over into a late night, aerial, fiery, pyrotechnic, 2 hour nightly circus of awesomeness. All based on their vision of a 'Mad Max' style 'Funderdome', we could only say yes. Thanks to the awesome drive, passion, and determination of both crews, something exciting was born, and we can't wait to do it again. Plenty of pics up soon...